
general musings of a liberal Texan

Why Indeed

on December 17, 2013

Last weekend I was driving around town with two of my daughters looking for a Christmas tree.The last few years we’ve bought our tree at a lot sponsored by the Optimist Club.  The trees cost a little more but the money is for a good cause.  The last couple of years I’ve been financially stable enough that, even though I probably couldn’t really afford it, I didn’t pay much attention to the price and felt good about giving money while buying a tree.  This year we absolutely can’t afford the extra money and so drove away from the tree lot without even getting out of the car once we saw the prices.

Driving to a local hardware store to buy a tree for $30 rather than $100, we stopped at a light where a homeless man had a sign asking for food and blessings.  We usually carry food in our cars for just such occasions, but this time were caught short (which reminds me – note to self:  put fruit and crackers in car again).  The man saw we were looking for something and when I shrugged apologetically he came toward our car to wish us a happy holiday.  I asked him if he knew where the nearest shelter was and he proceeded to tell us he’d lived here his whole life. He was born 63 years ago at a hospital nearby that is now a park.  He showed us a windbreaker he had under his jacket which a “nice woman” had recently given him and which he boasted keeps the wind from getting to him and keeps him dry.  He smiled his toothless grin when we asked him if he was ok and did he need anything specifically and wished him a happy holiday.  It was a genuinely nice and affirming conversation.

As we pulled away, my girls both commented on how nice he was.  Then my 13 year old asked, “Why are there so many people who are homeless?  Why doesn’t the government help them get houses?”  Why indeed.

My 17 year old replied “because people are stupid” with all the disgust of a teenager with a huge heart.  I started to explain that there are organizations that do help but there are a lot of people in this country who don’t feel the government should help people in need.  That everyone should be able to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” and if they are not successful it is somehow their fault.  “That’s silly,” said my 13-year-old, “everyone needs help sometimes.” Indeed.

The fact is, there is enough housing available in the United States to  house every person.  There is enough food and clean water to nourish every person.  Why we as a society continue to blame the poor for being poor and refuse help when help can be given is beyond my ability to explain to my 13 year old.  And so I try to teach her that all we can do is what we can personally do to help those we see in need.  We can advocate, we can vote for people who feel the way we do, we can give time and treasure to organizations who do loads of good.  But mostly when we see, hear about, or catch a rumor of people in need, we can offer our hand to help in whatever way we are able.

Even with the trials and tribulations of this difficult year, we have so much to be thankful for.  I’ve never had to ask for more help than I have this year, and without friends and family willing to do just that, well…I shudder to think.  But asking for help is also more difficult than I ever imagined.

“That’s silly” I hear my wise child tell me.  “We all need help sometimes.”  From her mouth to the world’s ears.

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